I'm back on my BS 🤪

I’m back on my bullshit.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024

  • I might be one of the few that was already on their way out. I had been getting sick of Reddit It wasn’t the same thing it was when I first joined in ~2011ish. Back then, content was more scrutinized and users were kinder. As Reddit became mainstream, the content slowly changed to reflect that. It started to be more like an anonymous Facebook. I remember it sticking out especially after the Game Stop incident on WallStreetBets.

    A few months before the API fiasco, I was banned from a sub because they misunderstood a comment I made as violating their rules. Because I had been banned from another sub recently (I think I had joined a China one then commented in an anarchist one for the lulz), I was suspended from Reddit entirely for a week. I didn’t realize that I was doing it, but I used several usernames depending on what content I wanted to focus on. I commented using another username and was permabanned from Reddit entirely for trying to bypass the temp suspension. The specifics might be slightly different since I’m going from memory.

    From then on, I would lurk in my favorite subs sporadicall using Reddit is Fun. Once the API fiasco kicked off a few months later, there was a push for Reddit alternatives, which gave me the opportunity to find and join Lemmy. I’ve been here ever since.

  • Yoooo, there were two incidents in which a Soviet service member saved the world by refusing to fire nukes. One was during the Cuban missile crisis. The USA blockaded Cuba in response to the USSR placing nuclear missiles there. A Soviet nuclear-armed submarine went down under a US naval ship. The ship started throwing dummy charges over to scare the submarine to come out. The sub hadn’t had any comm with the USSR in days and thought they were under attack. Two of the three officers needed to approve a nuclear torpedo strike argued for the strike. The other, Vasily Arkhipov, declined despite the other officers insisting. Arkhipov was able to convince the other two to not strike and bring the sub up to reconnect comm with Moscow. The immediate conflict eventually ended with no casualties or strikes. Had they fired a nuclear torpedo, it could have led to a nuclear war.

    The other was pretty close too. Three weeks before the incident, a Korean airliner full of civilian passengers accidentally flew into prohibited Soviet airspace due to a navigation error. The Soviets thought it was a US spy plane and shot it down, killing everyone on board. Tensions were high af. Three weeks later, Soviet surveillance equipment showed that the USSR was being attacked with 5 nuclear missiles by the US. Stanislav Petrov saw the incoming missiles and decided to not report the info further up the command because he thought there was no way an American first strike would only be five missiles. He waited for confirmation of the missile strike from the ground, which never came. After a while, it was evident that the system had a malfunction. They eventually discovered that a rare coincidence between the Sun, some clouds, and the Soviet satellites resulted in the false alarm. Had Petrov reported the incoming strike, it is quite possible that higher command would have ordered a “counter” nuclear-strike because of their view of the US.

    Both of these incidents were scary close to ending the world as we know it. It wouldn’t have just destroyed the USA and USSR. Aside from the direct attacks and destruction of infrastructure and institutions in the stated countries, the strikes would have resulted in a nuclear winter and eventual worldwide famine for over a decade.

  • I don’t know how couples like that do it. I was in the military and went on several deployments. Whenever I would get back, it felt like I was re-learning anyone I hadn’t seen throughout that time. Think of what you were doing 458 days ago on Apr 13, 2023. I was getting a psych evaluation that completely revolutionized my life. I have changed sooooo much since then. Now imagine that your partner has changed as well. How do you reconnect if y’all don’t know each other any more?

    When I see photos of this, I don’t see a touching moment. I see a photo of two individuals that are living a hopeful delusion because their lives were ripped apart by external forces, and they didn’t know to grieve. Now, they’re trying to carry on from where they were, but aren’t consciously aware that they can’t. They are about to find out that they are strangers and undergo a rapid grieving process full of disappointment, anger, and ultimately sadness.

    Follow me for more somber interpretations of scenes that are commonly seen as joyful moments 👌