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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • The charged ones would likely have little trouble finding their counterparts. Especially the positrons, maybe electron shells would prevent anti-protons from getting to protons.

    I’m curious how stable anti-neutrons are in a matter world (and how free neutrons behave, for that matter). Does anything stop them from just joining the first atom they happen to get close enough to? And how long before they get close enough to an atom if they do, in say Earth’s atmosphere?

  • DM: “So you’ve all been traveling for several weeks, anything you want to add about what you’ve been doing on the way?”

    Player: “Uh, I spot check?”

    DM, sighs, “Okay, roll for it.”

    Player rolls an 18.

    DM: “Along the way you notice the hidden chest and find a latrine shovel. Anything else you’re doing?”

    Insert 5 minute argument that it should just be a normal shovel and therefore it shouldn’t be limited to just digging latrines.

    DM: “Now that that’s settled, you can add your normal shovel that isn’t a latrine shovel but can still be used to dig latrines to your inventory and answer the question if there’s anything else you did, or maybe dug and then filled with something other than the dirt you just dug from it before filling it with the dirt you dug from it?”

    Player: “Oh, I know! I listen! Uh I rolled a 6 :(”

    DM: “You don’t hear anything and you all die from burst bladders and ruptured colons!”

    Insert 5 minute argument about which one, since it was unlikely that each of their bladders and colons burst simultaneously.

  • I see three possibilities if AI is able to eliminate a significant portion of jobs:

    1. Universal basic income, that pays out based on how productive the provider side was per person. Some portion of wealth is continually transferred to the owners.
    2. Neofeudalism, where the owners at the time of transition end up owning everything and allow people to live or not live on their land at their whim. Then they can use them for labour where needed or entertainment otherwise. Some benevolent feudal lords might generally let people live how they want, though there will always be a fear of a revolution so other more authoritarian lords might sabotage or directly war with them.
    3. Large portions of the population are left SOL to die or do whatever while the economy doesn’t care for them. Would probably get pretty violent since people don’t generally just go off to die of starvation quietly. The main question for me is if the violence would start when the starving masses have had enough of it or earlier by those who see that coming.

    I’m guessing reality will have some combination of each of those.

  • Not just any time it’s copied or generally over time, but each playback can degrade the quality. Record pins erode the channels, magnetic heads affect the strength of the magnetic field they read.

    Reads, copies, and time don’t (necessarily) degrade digital media, even with lossy compression (time can, but any time it’s copied, it resets the clock to as good as the media can give; analog doesn’t get that reset). Lossy compression only degrades it on conversion and there’s a bunch of control over the shape of that degradation (with the intent of it not being detectable to our ears, though it obviously also depends on the bandwidth available).

  • It doesn’t have to be a pleasant aesthetic or visual. It could be anything from a full image to a font used on a resume to the choice of words used in general to the way the email address sounds if you pronounce it out loud. It can be the sequence of smells, sounds, sights, taste, and feel of a single course or five course meal.

    It can be puppets designed to last generations or an explosion that exists for a brief moment.

    It can even be the cleverness of how a message is woven into an otherwise meaningless looking scene.

  • The mRNA itself would behave the same from person to person. The immune response and specific cells that get “infected” can vary.

    The immune system works to produce cells that can produce antibodies that bind well to the antigen, the specific part that they bind to can be different from person to person. The immune system tries to avoid antibodies that also bind to other things, but it’s not perfect.

    If the injection ends up getting into a vein, then the mRNA could infect heart cells, which then later get killed by killer T cells and can affect heart function in the short term. Or potentially, they could end up anywhere in the body before entering a cell.

    But, the same applies to the actual virus, only to a higher degree.

    When you have a live virus infection, the immune system has the full virus to target with antibodies, so the variance will be higher compared to people only getting a subset of the virus, and has more chances to overlap with things we don’t want our immune system targeting.

    And a real viral infection generates copies of the virus to spread to other cells instead of just producing proteins that the immune system will target. It’s like getting another vaccine shot every time the period it takes to produce more virus copies passes, from the moment you get infected until your immune system manages to get the upper hand (though distributed very differently).

    It makes sense to be wary of new things you’re advised to put into your body, but it’s also important to frame them correctly. It’s not just risk of vaccine going wrong vs no vaccine means no risk. It’s risk of vaccine going wrong plus risk of infection breaking through times risk of vaccinated infection going wrong vs risk of getting infected times risk of unvaccinated infection going wrong.

  • Spiders won’t eliminate your bug problem either. The presence of predators in an environment doesn’t imply all of their prey will soon go extinct.

    You eliminate bugs by preventing their entry, reducing or removing their food and water sources, and/or interrupting or preventing their mating cycles. Or occasionally deploying something that kills everything in an area (though if you don’t also do the other steps above, they’ll eventually return).