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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • There was some around HL: Alyx when it came out (“replacing a man with a femoid character!!!”) but I don’t think VR is popular enough with the kinds of people that really carry these movements.

    As to HL2, well, for one that game I’m sad to admit is pretty old now. It predates gamergate by a full 10 years, which really kicked off our current era of astroturfed antiwokeness. And despite incredible influence and critical acclaim has never actually been very popular.

    Also they see a sidekick to a white man as an appropriate place for such people. Also she was somewhat deeper into the game and chuds don’t actually play these games they complain about so they probably didn’t get to her. Lots of contributing factors.

  • It isn’t. It’s in reference to “having a stick up your ass”, which means being uptight and overly serious. Because they are stiff, as though a firm rod had been run the length of their body.

    People also mistakenly believe that to be a homophobic phrase too. Mind you, there’s a slim distinction here. Telling someone to “shove it up your ass” could be considered homophobic, though I think of it as just rude. I feel like context would matter a lot here.

    The youth today think everything insulting must be a slur of some kind and are obcesse with moral purity.

  • Even for the non-right-wing-owned media companies, Trump represents something they desperately want: ratings, clicks, money.

    Trump, narcissistic power-mad entertainer that he is, kept people glued to the news nonstop from 2016 to today. Oh sure he wants to jail journalist and execute reporters, but those are news workers. The owners of the news companies won’t suffer, and Trump will make them tons of money. They can just hire interns to do the reporting.

    When Biden isn’t in the news its because the modern media doesn’t run feel good stories about the president doing good things.

    They want Trump, they want endless controversy and fear and anger driving millions to their phones to click on news stories and look at ads. And they do not care about the consequences and side effects.

  • I think the obvious “early access” success story is Minecraft. That’s what all these games are trying to copy.

    But yeah, early (beta) MC was still a fun game and worth the 10 to 20 one would have paid for it. The actual “release” of the game was fairly arbitrary as it had huge updates after as well.

    The unprecedented success of it led directly to early access as a commercialized concept. Prior to that, AAA/AA and other professionally made games just did actual releases, and indie/solo games were sometimes released in free beta to get playtesters.

    The idea that the audience should fund the development from alpha through release is a wild concept that the capitalist class jumped on because they could sell you less and in many cases make the audience pay for what used to be considered a part of development (testing and polishing).

    Frankly, I’m just amazed other industries haven’t caught on yet. Music is getting there, with songs being released in very raw form sometimes and the constant stream of remixes and rereleases that are needed for chart ranking also allowing for an iterative approach to music production. How long until TV shows offer “early viewer” discounts where you pay 50% for a show with no visual FX that you can hope, if it’s funded enough, will someday have CGI added?

  • It’s amazing how much people complain about politics in movies when one of the best techniques for good characters and conflicts is to make each of your characters an avatar for a particular ideology which they then act out the consequences of.

    This scene is a good example of presenting ideological debate: Jigo is a nihilistic opportunist, he sees the world as already lost and bad, so do what you can to survive and get ahead for yourself. Ashitaka is, as the protagonist of course, kind of a living dialectic. He must synthesize the ideas of Eboshi, Jigo (and the greater empire), and San (and the greater Natural world) together into something coherent, something he (and the audience) can act on.

    And I think Ashitaka does incorporate these ideas. He isn’t lost to selfishness or despair, but does come to see the conflict as a kind of overarching curse upon the minds of all involved. In carrying the physical manifestation of the curse of war, he is able to show himself as a living consequence of the price war takes upon life and the land, and uses the violence empowered by the curse as a tool to de-escalate and end conflict.

  • Bro its so easy bro, just use flexboxgridcolumns its been a standard since 2010 just flex it bro you haven’t learned to flex yet just check w3c schools and add a flex you can polyfill it but don’t use that hacked one use the good flexpolyfill then { content-align-middle-child-elements: center-middle-true-neutral } so easy with flex bro