Hi, there!


I was born in 1989, so I am an ancient grandpa and demand respect for my lawn. (/s ya right like I own a house)

(P.s. I am not a sexy hairy ripped daddy bear, but I do own a cat named Tammy 🐈‍⬛)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I never really understood how BioShock got this tag. What about it is an immersive SIM exactly? Bioshock is a linear first person shooter action/stealth game. There’s no other mechanics. You don’t have to survive in any way with food or water. There’s no deep mechanic specific to the world that you need to tend to and maintain. Literally the only thing that comes even close to being that sort of mechanic is the hacking? Is it an immersive sim simply because you can hack things and lock pick? Because I do those things in Nancy Drew games as well, but I’m pretty sure those are just point and click adventure games. I think BioShock is an amazing atmospheric first shooter RPG, but I’ve never understood how people think of it as an immersive simulator.

  • I definitely specified in my question for a comparison to other countries. You replied to my comment with an irrelevant link. And then now you’ve given me a second irrelevant link. If you can’t answer my question, then stop trying.

    Saying “americans are so politically unaware!” Implies Americans alone are unique in being politically unaware. I am looking for actual data that shows specifically americans are less politically aware than the citizens in other countries are about their own countries politics. Showing me information about how bad Americans are at civics tests is not needed here at all.

    Do you have stats do back that up, though? Like actual data that says people in other countries are less politically ignorant than americans?

  • How exactly is being irritated by enemies constantly respawning a skill issue? Or is the idea I “git” SO “GUD” i literally just never save the game and play in one shot? Cuz I don’t even like playing games without saving that don’t even have combat at all. I like to save. Punishing people for saving is padding. Full stop. It doesn’t matter how “gud” i get at sekiro, I’m not going to suddenly enjoy fighting the same literal exact same enemies that i just defeated over. And over. And over. And over. I strongly disagree and think this is a core issue with their gameplay philosophy as a whole, and can’t help but notice hints of Stockholm syndrome at people who defend it.

  • I thought this game blew chunks. I’m an old gamer and it was jist God of War on ps2 on God Mode, but way less fun and cool. Low health + constant parry, but boring story and relentless tedium. If this was any other studio it would have been long forgotten already. I don’t think being unwilling to deal with a developers core concept of using frustration as an action gameplay element as “a skill issue”. Making the enemies respawn both when you die AND when you reload or save isn’t a reflection of fighting skill, it comes down to being unwilling to tolerate irritating, tedious game design.