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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 14th, 2024


  • This is why I have to overcome my phone call anxiety and inform anyone that I can’t even acknowledge a notification on my phone without risking forgetting, and they need to call me if they want any kind of timely response. And since I’m currently unmedicated I force myself to just not acknowledge/dismiss/click on any notifications until I know for sure that I’m prepared to take the time it takes me to respond to something.

  • When it comes to news, I already know that very few possible events would have facts that were notable enough to change how I feel overall about the topic/event.

    But, since I intentionally consume way less news than I used to, other than some Jon or John clips, I read my news.

    Any fact finding I end up doing it just a hodgepodge of finding what I can through search, relying on primary sources where possible obviously.

    So, when it comes to news, reddit was, and Lemmy is the place I go to be aware of events that I’d see if I watched legacy media / social media. And to just vent and maybe learn something.

    I’m a title only kind of gal these days. Anything more, and I’d end up as a headline myself in short time.

  • If you like romance literature, I can name a few, but suffice to say, my favorite narrators are really great at lending each character their own tones, inflections, and cadence, while not being too disracting to listen too.

    In traditional reading, you get used to the idea that (“) before a sentence indicates that what follows is said aloud by a character, and you often don’t need any context to figure out who said what. And the (”) at the end indicates that what follows isn’t said by them. Your brain hardly even notices them and yet you very rarely are reading dialogue without knowing its speaker, unless its the purpose of the author that you don’t.

    Any narrator who can help convey the concept of quotation marks as seamlessly as my brain can while reading text is very appreciated in my books.

  • Which is a real doozy when you think about the duplicity it is to no longer allow a convicted citizen the right to vote, which is so strongly held by some people on all sides, almost evenly I’d say.

    How it must feel, to be so cool to allow yourself the privilege of not participating, just like the criminals politics generates. 😎

    Football Jerseys from a bygone era on Saturdays isn’t the only indicator that someone never really grew beyond highschool.