Mossy Feathers (They/Them)


  • 14 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Accelerationism is a bigoted ideology that seeks to pit the minority against the majority during a state of economic and political collapse. It looks okay in a vacuum and on paper, but the reality is that in the event of widespread instability sociopaths would almost certainly seek power by convincing the majority population that it’s minorities are the root of all their problems. You now have a second Holocaust on your hands.

    Furthermore, I’m almost certain that it is spread by Nazis seeking to harness the left’s hatred of the West in order to achieve their goal of “cleansing the white race” because I’ve observed that accelerationism is extremely popular with Nazis. They believe that a collapse will allow them to exterminate anyone they believe to be degenerate or inferior without being impeded. The extreme left, like always, is getting suckered into believing in a post-crash utopia and is helping them spread their disgusting ideology.

    Sir, you are almost certainly a Nazi or a Nazi’s unwitting cockholster. That makes me extremely disappointed because I know you didn’t used to be like this.

    You wanna make a real change? That means you have to actually get out from behind your PC and start targeting common “issues”. You have to tackle the “problems” that the US is facing head-on. None of this cowardly, keyboard-warrior bullshit where you simp for some kind of fake, Nazi-inspired utopia and hope that something better will replace the US when the US collapses (spoilers: it’ll only get worse). You have to actually take matters into your own hands.

    You won’t though, because you don’t actually care, you just want to watch the world burn. You’ve drunk your flavor aid and now you’re dying and can’t see straight. Your mind has been poisoned to the point where you can’t see the harm that your rhetoric threatens or who your rhetoric actually serves. As such, I’m not interested in arguing with you because I know you’ve convinced yourself that you’re right and as such, nothing I can say will convince you otherwise. I’m more concerned about others following you while believing they’re somehow doing good.

  • You say they’re viable, but most people don’t want to make their own engine to make a game. Most people wanna make a game, not a game engine. Furthermore, while I honestly believe that the FOSS community could easily match commercial projects, doing so requires people to acknowledge the software’s shortcomings, talk to the professional users about what kinda UI they want, and so on. That means you can’t throw lines at them like “user inexperience” or “just learn a new program”. They’re professionals, having to learn a new program cuts into their income. Learning new programs means they aren’t making things, which means they aren’t making money.

    I know I’m kinda rambling a bit and may not be super coherent (if so, I apologize, I’m running on low sleep), but I’m not trying to be a doomer or say “that’s impossible”; I think what I am trying to say is that I don’t think the FOSS community currently has all the necessary software features or ease of access for professionals.

  • Fwiw, I’ve tried to use OpenShot and it sucked hard. Granted, this was on Windows and it was several years ago (3~4yrs), so it may have gotten better (or it might be way better on Linux), but I ended up switching to davinci resolve because OpenShot literally couldn’t deal with anything above 720p without crashing. I couldn’t complete any university assignments with it. Even just clipping the ends of a video was causing it to crash. Unless OpenShot has gotten significantly better on windows, that’s a good example of a place where a pro-quality FOSS alternative doesn’t really exist.

  • Last I checked Adobe doesn’t have any 3d game engines, so that’s not really a solution, heh. (Also, godot is already a FOSS 3d engine which is gradually replacing Unity)

    Additionally, developing a game requires many, many different parts. It’s not just the engine, it’s making the models, it’s making the materials, textures, shaders, programming, scripting, writing, and so on. Some, like 3d modeling, already have decent FOSS tools (Blender for example). Others, like the Substance suite (material authoring and texture painting) or Photoshop (image editing) don’t have a good enough FOSS alternative to be replaceable. Furthermore, many studios have specialized plugins or companion programs the studios developed or purchased which are only compatible with Substance, Photoshop, etc.

    So you’re not just fighting game engines, you’re fighting every step of the process. Adobe (and Autodesk, fuck Autodesk too) products, when used, tend to be deeply embedded in most professional workflows. You’d have to replace the software and any specialized plugins or programs designed specifically to interface with the software. I mean, good luck, it’s just a hell of a lot more complicated than you seem to think.

  • Ye. I still need an expensive PC for stuff like VR, 3d modeling and game dev, but it’s replaced my main PC for most games. Hell, I don’t even really need an expensive PC for the shooters I enjoy because most of them are either old or indie stuff that’d run on a $300 PoS from 10yrs ago. However, it’s definitely made me question the necessity of a gaming rig in this day and age. The convenience outweighs the visual downgrade by a long shot.

    I do have a few things I wish the deck had, such as:

    • The ability to define and bind touch-screen gestures (like binding a two-finger pinch gesture to the scroll wheel to zoom in). The touch screen is a bit useless outside of using the keyboard. It’d be nice if it had more utility.

    • The ability to pick a cloud-storage provider to use for automatic 3rd-party game sync. It sucks that I can’t play a non-steam game on my deck and then resume on my desktop or vice versa.

    • An AMD-compatible version of DLSS or a DLSS capable processor. FSR is great, but let’s be honest, DLSS is higher quality.

    • The ability to suspend games to disk. Linux supposedly has this ability via CRIU, but they’d have to implement it. The ability to save-state like a console emulator would be sick.

    However, I’ve been in love with my deck since I got it.