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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I don’t think people will actively choose to vote for Trump over Biden in protest. I agree it isn’t going to be a race for undecided voters but rather trying to convince people to go to the polls and then actually get them to vote for Biden.

    If something g doesn’t change, I think we are going to see a huge dip in voter turn out for dems. I’m sure it’ll still be massive but the Delta between Trump turnout and Biden turnout will be historic

    There has been a lot of talk now about “what’s the plan for when trump gets reelected if we decide not to vote for Biden?”. And it’s a great question without a good answer. I’ve mentally prepared myself for Trump to win. I know that I’ll likely be one of the people who vote for Biden on election day but I also think we need to have a plan for the people who won’t fall in line.

    Conservatives are great at falling in line. Expecting liberals/leftists/etc to fall in line is a recipe for disaster.

    If I had to come up with a plan, I’d say that we should start maybe having some room for a “at least vote down ballot” message. Cause if dems significantly sweep the house/senate, maybe some checks and balances could be in place (but I won’t hold my breath). But that motivation could get people show up like how the uncommitted movement in primaries worked for driving turnout.

    I’m scared shirtless tho. I’m mentally preparing myself for a second term Trump. One other wildcard in this is that I really don’t know how gen z is gonna act. The world is real bleak for them and I think they might really intentionally decide to be accelerationists instead of being able to be motivated by harm reduction.

  • So first, I will say that the phrase “stopping me from switching” kind of implies that I’m looking to switch but can’t.

    I used to have android between the iPhone 4s and the iPhone X. Back then, there were significant features that I wanted that I couldn’t get from iOS. Tho now there isn’t much that android has that I don’t feel I have access to that is significant .

    As for what keeps me around and happy with iPhone is

    • I’m in software engineering and I have always been mac person. I know windows has had the Linux subsystem for a long time now but it feels like a new feature and clunkier than max being freebsd based. My current job forces me to use windows, and I hate it but it’s been 4 years, so I’ve adjusted. That said, the Mac/iPhone/iPad interoperability is great
    • I love my Apple Watch. I’m sure Android wearable have gotten better but the integration feels complete and well supported. I don’t have to worry about my phone getting updated and my watch stopping working
    • The find my network is pretty great. I know there are other solutions but airtags are great. All of my devices also have seamless location tracking and sharing out of the box.
    • I pay for the TB of iCloud storage (it’s outrageously priced but I’m used to it now). It’s great to have all my devices able to just all be using it. Latest addition to my icloud usage was using the Logitech Circleview doorbell and camera. It saves directly to icloud. I don’t have to worry about storage and I also don’t have to worry about the company sharing my footage with cops cause the data is stored in my icloud drive.
    • it’s not flawless nor perfect but knowing that there is app review before something gets published makes me feel better about the entire ecosystem. Kind of like how a bouncer at a bar let’s ya know that when you go inside, the riffraff had to at least sneak in
    • apple pay works great for me
    • having all my devices made by the same company is a pro for me but I know others might see it as a con. But my Mac, iPad, iPhone, Apple Watch, Apple TV, HomePods, AirPods, etc all just being from apple means I have less to keep up with. I don’t have to worry about a matrix of who makes what and when it’s gonna get updated or dropped
    • resell/trade in value is great cause old devices have such a long life due to software updates
    • my shit just works and I’m happy
    • I know it might be contraversal but I trust Apple. Be it them having a pretty good record on user privacy, or them not allowing bloatware cause of user experience, or them not cramming AI into shit the same way everyone else did (even with the upcoming IOS, their implementation seems well thought out and conservative
    • backups and transferring to new devices has been completely painless (which I do suprisingly often)

    Over the years, I’ve gone from being a major tech enthusiast to now not wanting to have to futz around when I’m not on the clock. I still like getting tech and adding it to my home, but I don’t get in the weeds anymore. I just want my shit to work. I want my stuff to just work for my family.

    I dunno, tweaking and futzing used to be important to me. But now confidence and simplicity matter more to me now

  • So I had no context for how big that is and why it’s newsworthy

    To put the sheer size of the 8 GW solar farm in perspective, the three largest solar farms in the world by capacity are China’s Ningxia Tenggeli and Golmud Wutumeiren solar farms, with a capacity of 3 MW each, and a 3.5-GW solar farm outside Urumqi, Xinjiang’s capital.

    Tho still didn’t understand the scale until I looked up a stat on nuclear

    Nuclear energy has been powering the U.S. grid for the past 6 decades and produces around 1 gigawatt of power per plant on average.

    Then again, I thought, maybe nuclear power might be less productive than I think it is, so looked up a list of biggest power plants in the world


    • Number 1 is Three Gorges Damn at 22 GW
    • there is an 7.96 GW nuclear power plant in Japan
    • but 8 GW would be the 10th biggest power plant in the world

    Then I learnt that that nuclear power plant has been out of action since like 2017. It’ll soon(?) be active again but for now the record for biggest nuclear is held by a 7.4 MW power plant in South Korea

    In conclusion, my ADHD medications have worn off and I should go to bed

  • The conclusions that OP made about that study is quite interesting to me personally cause I experience both sides of it. There are certain content warnings that I take note of and decide if I have the mental energy to consume the content healthily. Sometimes I’m completely fine, sometimes the warning has me on edge till it happens, and sometimes I decide to nope out for now.

    Tho with a young teen in my house, it’s helpful to know if an episode of something is going to go into places that will mess with them or if it’s completely age in appropriate. If something has an 18+ rating for an episode but only has profanity and gore as the advisory, I’m fine with my 15 year old watching it. If it’s got nudity, sexual violence, eating disorder etc, then it’s going to be a pass (or at least screened or having a follow up convo).

    Considering they share in a lot of the content I’m consuming, and the majority of my time is spent watching internet content rather than produced media. It’s one thing for Netflix to have an age rating and content warnings but I really appreciate warnings on YouTube video since it’s really hard to predict what’s going to come up.

    I wonder if there would be significant differences if a wider range of content was included. For example: Books, websites, games, streams, YouTube, movies, series, music, podcasts.

    Based on nothing but wild speculation, I think music would be at the bottom of effectiveness and books at the top.