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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Uhhh character creators have been a basic feature of RPGs for more than 10 years now, i don’t think it would particularly affect their budget to tweak the faces a bit more…

    A different face doesn’t magically mean you have to redo all animations, you just might have to do a little bit of cleanup work for edge cases.

  • tbh they all look fucking identical anyways, rather than ethnicity i’m more worried about the fact that they’re supposed to be different individuals.

    They’re just dress up dolls, the sum total of their character design lies in clothing, hairdo, and makeup. They’re teletubbies for adults.

  • I don’t think you’re kidding yourself, i think you’re just capable of introspection and critical thought.

    I frankly consider the excessive spending and flaunting of wealth that many people do to be a sign of pretty profound unhappiness, they’re just trying to desperately fill a void inside them and distracting themselves with constant consumption.

    No, looking at the world and at history we can see what actually makes people happy, and those things are quite simple: having a social group, being in nice places, and having hobbies. Of course there are other things too but these are the basic pillars.

    Personally if i got a shitload of money i’d invest it in founding organizations to improve the world and funding existing efforts to do the same, because it’s very clear that i personally benefit from everyone else having good lives. I want everyone to be so well off that you can drop me naked in any random place and i never ever have to worry about anything, i can 100% rely on people just giving me clothes and food and being able to travel for free, THAT is the ultimate freedom.

  • this comment section is a hell of a ride, but i’ll just state what seems to be a pretty significant thing that everyone just merrily sails past:

    Y’all remember that saying of “it takes a village to raise a child”? That’s why modern parenting sucks, we don’t tend to have villages to help raise our children anymore. We’re not meant to raise kids with maybe at best our partner and some assistance from their grandparents and kindergarden/school, we’re meant to share that load and responsibility among like at least a dozen people and kids are meant to constantly have access to other kids to play with and collectively learn what boundaries are.

  • i really think it’s just more nuanced. vegan meals can be both cheaper or more expensive, easier or more complex, depending on the specific meal/where you live/time of year/etc etc

    like you can totally just eat whatever plant bits and mushrooms you can get your hands on along with a multivitamin, that will probably be cheap and healthy as hell and the most effort involved is peeling things and spending a few minutes frying or an hour of unattended time stewing it. That is however probably really fucking unappealing for most people, so you have to either spend more effort on making the meals interesting, or spend more money on premade actually appealing vegan products.

    As an autistic person who was viewed as “picky” growing up, and having been raised with the culture of a “meal” consisting of starch/protein/some veggies/TONS of sauce; it’s taken a fair bit of effort to even accept the idea of not having any meat in my food, and i still regularly use stuff like ground pork or chicken breasts in my cooking because it’s just such a simple way to produce food that makes me happy.

    What i really wish would change is the proliferation of more good, simple, tasty, and cheap vegan or at least low-meat frozen food. One of my absolute favourite food products is Felix vegetarian hash, which is just diced potato, onions, soy-based protein chunks, and some seasoning; which you toss in a frying pan with some fat and fry for like 10-15 minutes and it’s done. Costs 7 EUR per kg and tastes really good, it’s human kibble in the best way possible especially if you just add some frozen peas.

  • obviously this doesn’t work for everyone, but this is why i’m such a big proponent of meat alternatives

    having stuff like pea protein nuggets fortified with vitamin B12 and whatever else is an actually practical way to reduce meat consumption, if we make it possible to replace meat and barely notice that you’ve done so then everyone but the meat industry wins, which is even more of a win for the rest of us.