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Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • It’s mostly the airport and local regulations that prevent plane cooling today.

    If a plane uses ground air, it’s usually only a few degrees cooler than the plane. For example in F, if the plane lands and has all the windows shut and is 80F which is too hot already, they hook up to ground air which will blow in 70F to 72F air. You aren’t cooling a plane in the direct sunlight with 200 people breathing with a 10F max temperature differential. It’s just not possible.

    In the old days, you’d drop the APU and run the PAC which would actually air condition the air and keep the plane cool. Even in the hot sun. But this cost about 20 to 30 gallons an hour and was a big noisy stinky polluting engine running anytime the plane was on the ground. Plus the maintenance of the APU and such for hours run.

    If you travel outside the US and Europe, the APU and PAC is still used as normal. But it is not environmentally friendly. However neither is the actual giant plane. 30 gallons is a leak for the hour on the ground compared to what’s burned just to get air born.

  • The question as asked would be a simple and emphatic “no. He didn’t meet with a Parkinson’s specialist for his own medical needs”.

    He did recently sign Parkinson’s orders which would perfectly align with the visits. But they won’t say that. And as a press secretary if that was the issue you take an issue that is gripping the news cycle and answer it with a spotlight on a very positive news story! Why would you hide that?! You wouldn’t.

    I’ve hated basically all press secretaries for the past 10 years. They all suck and lie. It’s shameful. There’s a difference between spin and propagandist/bold-face lies. They are in bold face lying territory.

  • First, most likely Trump will win. So prepare yourself. The few thousand people that make the electoral college difference, are not liking Biden. Additionally the supreme court is now packed so that it is all irrelevant. The supreme court can block and declare a winner at their discretion basically. So it will happen, if not 2024, maybe 2028.

    The whole violent uprising and civil war thing is a real threat. The FBI has been shouting this from the rooftops since 2020. If you’re only now paying attention, you basically prove the point that Americans are too ignorant of the world immediately around them to even be trusted with such decisions. If Trump wins, there will still be death. Think after parties for NFL or NHL teams. Cars will be flipped and lit on fire. People in body paint and viking hats will shoot rifles into the air. Probably kill a few counter protesters but that will be the new normal.

    And again, uniqueness? Lol, this is literally the playbook of the 1930’s Germany. Any idiot that doesn’t know history, is doomed to repeat it. Really people, education is important.

    For history since you don’t know it Hindenburg became the democratically elected president of Germany in November of 1932. Hitler, yes that Hitler, got almost 40% of the vote. Does that staunch support percentage sound familiar??? In the runoff he got a bit less but that’s because of the German system. Hindenburg was old. Too old. Age was the primary concern of those who voted for him. Sound familiar? By the end of January of 1933 (is this timeline sounding familiar yet? November election, January appointment…) Hindenburg appointed Hitler chancellor.

    Now the US doesn’t have a chancellor. But the reason was because the 40% of the country that was pro-Hitler was against EVERYTHING else. You literally could not govern or do anything because these literal Nazis refused because their dear leader didn’t win. This was the US playbook for the tea party, and now the GOP shutting down the senate and house. So in the USA assuming the GOP doesn’t get blown away of Congress, which nobody is predicting, nobody will have a supermajority. The “Nazis” or GOP, will block everything Legislative. The Supreme court will block and overturn everything Executive and Legislative they don’t like with the power of the Judicial.

    With the internet and social media, and no rules against it, I perfectly see Trump declaring himself President in Acting of MAGA and setting up home in Maralago or something. Ie, chancellor. His puppets in the government, local, state, and federal will not act without his blessing and will not act against him. Slowly keep passing and stalling government.

    Then they wait. Hitler waited and used the time to pass dictatorship laws using the democratic process. Newsflash, this has already happened thanks to Trump 1 presidency! So he literally has to do nothing but live and not die.

    In August of 1934, correlating to August of 2025 for our timeline, Hindenburg died. He was old. Hitler declared himself dictator, ie fuhrer. When Biden croaks, Trump declares himself King or whatever. Then what? The supreme court can back him up. All his actions are legalized.

    This is not some unique situation the world has never seen. It is literally the American Office vs the British Office. Same damn show ripped off years later without credit to the original with more drama and budget. The American way. This is Hitler 2, the Hollywood remake. And Americans are too fucking stupid to see it.

  • I’m fully aware of the few buzzword and marketing pitches that cloud hosting uses. I’m forced to use both GCP and AWS for different contracts and I’m good at it.

    The real truth is that most websites and internet services do not need scale. They do not need all this crap. A Pentium 3 could host all the data for most of these businesses and services. You don’t need serverless lambda functions to handle an api when an actual endpoint does the same thing to pull some info. The few companies that need such distributed computing and power, will need a big on-site or off-site implementation. It makes sense for that sometimes. But most times, it doesn’t even then. You’re just outsourcing your engineering and paying a premium.

    I have seen so many startups spin up cloud accounts costing thousands of dollars a month when they’re in “private beta stealth”. Literally a $500 laptop could host all of their services just as quickly with no monthly fee. But as long as the VCs are paying, just flush that cash down.

  • Anything that requires a fancy buzzword is usually stupid but a good way to make money for someone. The “cloud” has always existed as offsite hosting. Off-site shared servers, VPSs, whatever. It’s no different than running CPanel on an LAMP VPS in 2003.

    But calling it “the cloud” gave all the business majors a hard on and then the accounts department realized they could manipulate share pricing by reducing the amount of assets a company holds. It’s the same stupid reason many companies don’t own their corporate headquarters or remote centers. They lease the, even if from themselves through another holding. It looks better on paper so the share price goes up. It’s all mind boggling stupid.