• 5 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Indeed, I do concur. The collective influence/strength of the technically savvy people in the world is a force to be reckoned with. Reminds me of the ratio of the number of individual Chinese state sponsored “hackers”, and Russian state sponsored “hackers”, compared to the ones employed by the United States military. Those persistent threat actors do be consistent, and highly, highly effective, if the Solarwinds hack is any indicator. It turns out that having the corporate world poach talent because of better pay and benefits, in addition to political policies that alienate the IT talent base that would be needed for “victory” (it would be a victory for no one, the quality of life on everyone on the planet would drop drastically) if full scale war were to break out, is not good for realpolitiking.

    For those unfamiliar with the term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Realpolitik

    Geopolitics, ancient history, the paranormal/highly strange & esoteric knowledge have been the things that I would say have fascinated me most in life. Due to recent experiences in my life, I am A LOT more concerned with exopolitics now than I am with geopolitics :| and to those that do not believe in non-human, intelligent entities existing… well… I would recommend that you read some of the trip reports of people who have done high doses of DMT. I also personally grew up in a ludicrously haunted house, where even with my bipolar that I’ve mentioned in my comment history, my 5 older siblings and all of their friends had experiences occur and sightings happen at that house (it was an old farm house here in Utah, had a barn and well and shit.) Alternatively, from a more physical, militarily minded perspective, I will go ahead link a source on UFOs back in the cold war flying up to American nuclear weapons silos, being detected on radar, physically seen by multiple military personnel at the bases, tampereing with nuclear warhead launch sequences, then flying away.

    Here is the source for that: https://www.history.com/news/ufos-near-nuclear-facilities-uss-roosevelt-rendlesham

  • In person, if someone tells me in an adult fashion that something is disrespectful to them, I’ll stop doing it. On the internet however, well, this is where the glory of federation and blocking individual users comes in. What’s wrong with being a ho? Lmaooo. As a cis white male, if more girls were ho’s, it would mean more sex being had over all, which would improve the sex economy conditions as supply and demand and all that. I ALWAYS encourage girls to ho it up and get that simp money :| why not make more money than a lot of doctors as a stripper (artist I will add, they’re performers) and not have to spend years of your life and go into a bunch of debt.

  • Reminds me of that story of a father that murdered his daughters rapist in a small town and the whole town was like “I DIDN’T SEE NUFFIN” and I believe the father did not end up going to prison for it. Is a BIG, fuck around find out situation for pieces of human garbage like this. Don’t think these boomer pedos/other idiots realize what quantum computing and all of the data centers across the world storing citizens data for decades means for THEM… Just requires some inspired algorithms and a police force that is willing to uh, NOT protect the baddies and do their jobs as detectives vs arresting brown people for drugz :|