I exist or something probably

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • It’s extremely easy to disturb asbestos, it does not take a large chronic exposure to get health consequences, it takes a very small amount of acute exposure or even less chronic exposure. Generally you will be fine from incidental one-off exposures, but if you live in a home with say, asbestos tiles in your kitchen, or asbestos in the paint or drywall, it can be very easy to build exposure from reno or damage from normal home wear. Not to mention it’s extremely expensive to modify because of the required controls, meaning it disproportionately effects low income households, who both struggle to afford preventative maintenance, and struggle to afford the reno.

    There’s a reason asbestos ppe is decon controls roughly equivalent to mercury, lead, and beryllium.

  • The subsidies have an ontological value in that they improve the quality of life for the child. So removing subsidies will actively perpetuate and increase the very systemic issues that many antinatalists care about in the first place. You address this too, I’m just expressing agreement that simply removing chiodcare subsidies is not ethically simple even for staunch antinatalists.

    In general governments ought to be working to support the people they represent. To me it seems an antinatalist who’s goal is to reduce suffering would want to introduce things like a basic income or some such to improve the quality of life of those who do exist, not further take from those who have yet to be.

  • Lmao it would be more economical to colonize the ocean floor than space. Extracting resources from space isn’t happening any time soon, no amount of musks copium will fix that.

    The “serious nature” of what’s happening in space is an accelerating geopolitical posturing. Nothing any country is doing right now are the things they’d do if they seriously intended to settle space.

    If the intent of course was to show off military might, ruin the the space treaty for colonialization and imperialism, and attempt brinksmamship, well they are coincidentally working down the checklist!

  • Honestly I was expecting far more downvotes. I posted the video with people like you in mind, who still can think critically are marks without the burden of misinformation and ideology. not being marks.


    By the way, if you think you are not subject to ideology, I have several things to sell you.

    For anyone else reading: everyone is subject to ideology. The moment you think you arent, that is when you are most trapped by it.