• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I was one of several mods of a niche hobby sub. All of us were modding mostly from mobile phone 3rd party apps. Killing the API seriously hurt our ability to moderate the sub.

    The hobby is historically male-dominated but had a nice, inclusive vibe going where most people understood a penis was not required equipment for this hobby. The API changes also coincided with a wave of incel gun-nuts. We couldn’t stay on top of it. Every time we logged on, another nut telling women inappropriate things and ruining constructive conversation on actual questions about the hobby.

    At one point I enjoyed modding, I rarely had to ban anyone, it was mostly just chiming in to clarify something or helping a poster ask questions in a better way or pointing them to resources they may have overlooked or otherwise trying to encourage positive engagement. Logging on to a wave of racist, sexist asshats was not what I signed up for.

    It no longer brought me joy, so I Marie Kondo’d it right out the window.

  • Create an email address from scratch using a non-google email provider you’ve never used before, do not tie it to any of your existing addresses or profiles. Use the new email to create a profile on any blogging platform. Only ever use that email for that one blogging profile.

    I think it’s simple if your presentation is accurate. Put it in a silo and don’t cross it over with anything else. You don’t have to make it hold up to an FBI investigation that will be sending a warrant to the blogging service to get your identity.

    I would bet a dollar that in most cases like this, the person is the weak link in their own privacy. They share their essay with someone they know, boom, privacy gone.

  • Fair. I was thinking if a loaf of bread sized battery could run my car for 100 miles, I would have zero range anxiety. Make them easily swappable so people no longer charge their battery on road trips, they just drive up to a station, swap, and continue on their way. Maybe with an extra loaf or two in the trunk if going far from stations.

    Storage size and longevity aren’t as important to me once it becomes dense enough I can carry all I need for a day in my purse.

  • Huh, I took it more as

    Trump broke platform rules -> Trump punished with restrictions

    Other politicians didn’t break rules -> no restrictions

    … Fear of public perception and loss of advertising revenue …

    Trump restrictions lifted -> now it’s “fair” for Trump to do whatever he likes on Facebook and be treated the same as politicians who don’t break platform rules

    It only makes sense when optimizing for ad revenue and there we go, I just answered my own question. Let’s not pretend this is about actual fairness or objectivity on Facebook’s part.

    1. I hand out upvotes by vibes. I don’t have rules or philosophy on it, I just upvote when I feel like. One day I might upvote a comment while the next day I wouldn’t.

    2. No, I would not use a tipping functionality. And it would probably turn me off from commenting. I could see people jockeying for tips affecting the quality and volume of comments. I’m also getting tired of grind / side hustle culture. We don’t need to monetize everything we do. Sometimes I do a thing for value other than monetary.

  • Either leave them in or remove them and make a special little side dish, according to my friend. I removed them and didn’t do anything with them and that was a waste of perfectly good eyeballs.

    Most of the younger family members don’t like the eyeballs. They leave them for the older folks. But they will still proudly correct me to defend their heritage, lol. Fine, my ancestors were big on head cheese; you won’t find me eating it, but I’m happy it exists somewhere out in the world.