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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • WHICH, my dear potential voters, is why we need to stop fucking arguing with one another and come together, dammit.

    It’s REALLY easy:

    1. Stop being idiots.

    2. Pressure Biden to use the recent Supreme Court decision to OUR advantage.

    3. Vote Biden into office for another 4-years.

    4. Continue to be fucking geniuses by holding hands and using those 4 years to fix shit.

    If those on the Left actually stopped verbally measuring one another’s dicks and stood united, they would be a force that the Right could not reckon with. The problem is so many of you keep strutting around, beaks in the air, making damned goose calls while collectively peeing into the wind and complaining that your pants keep getting wet.

  • Gotta tell ya: The atrocities and stress of war doesn’t really seem real until you’re hunkered down in a cab because the truck in front of you took an IED, to use just one scenario. I could throw a few more your way if you like.

    Having said that, and here’s the irony, not everyone in the military is “gonna face bombs and killing”. There are huge swaths whose job it is to do anything under the sun that doesn’t involve firing any form of weaponry. Chances are you’d have had to been paying attention at some point in school to know this, or something.

    War is shit. The military has good and bad people, and often shit practices. For some people it’s one of the only ways, in the U.S. at least, to stand even a fleeting chance of doing more than becoming a low-rung manager at Walmart.

  • Remember folks that this argument falls apart the instant you look at policies. Trump and his cronies will do more damage socially and in every other imaginable way. While not perfect, I feel the Democratic side can be fixed. There is no fixing the vicious and malicious mockery that is the modern Republican Party. For now, and if we fight, the Democrats do still listen when under pressure at least some of the time.

    So let’s start artificially creating that supply, by demanding.

  • WHO do voters want?

    People keep saying to run someone.


    Also, why the fuck do we always start to come together and then find a reason to shit all over ourselves? I’m hard left leaning but like fuck man, it’s hard being covered in verbal shit all the time from all the people that seem so intent on arguing against just coming together. The Republicans can do it, and they’re fucking imbeciles…

    …who keep winning!

  • Aside from stepping aside, which is risky let’s all admit - though risky is also staying in - I jokingly, though somewhat firmly believe, that all Biden has to do to see his ratings spike and completely manipulate people is go fucking bananas. Just lean hard into Dark Brandon. Campaign like a motherfucker. Throw out shots left, right, and center. Hop on a couple big stages full energy for two hours.

    Basically: All his campaign has to do is twist the narrative. It’d probably work too, though having the idea and accomplishing it are two entirely different monsters. Biden may not be up to acting this piece well enough to sell it. If he did though, I feel he’d come out the other side in a stronger position.

    Due to my own biases, I can’t think of anyone else who’d be able to go up against a name like Trump. He won’t step on anymore debate stages. He won’t play fair. Recognition is, I think, very important right now.

  • I suppose I walked into that one. Though those are big words. It doesn’t explain anything, however. Once again, you seem to be parroting. Understanding is the key here, which is what I meant under it all.

    You see, the issue we face today, one of many in fact, is that people tend to read a headline, listen to a sentence, do “research” all in the name of confirming their personal theories or perspectives, not challenge them. Thus why I ask.

    Because most won’t have the slightest idea, though they sure will be able to repeat what they heard.