• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I empathize with Thomas, because that was my experience of school. I was bullied every day for basically my entire school career. I was the weird kid, who didn’t understand people and was smarter than average.

    I fantasied about killing my bullies, but in NZ we don’t have access to guns or the fucked up relationship with them that the US does.

    I feel sorry for the kid. What he did wasn’t right or good in any way. But I assume the school shootings and this act come from a place of great hurt. The world has shat on them for their whole life and they don’t see it ever ending.

    To go further, it took years (many years) after I left school to come to terms with who I was and how to change to be a well adjusted member of society. If I had the kind of access to guns that you seem to in the US, I don’t know what would have happened, I was an angry hateful person who blamed others around me (rightfully so in a lot of cases, but not always) for all my troubles.

  • Last Windows I ran full-time was XP, ran Win7 for a couple of months before switching Ubuntu 10.04; still used Win XP and Win7 in VM’s for years for specific applications.

    Win10 is the OS on the work machines, some of it is really nice, but so much feels backward. I don’t get why there is still control panel and the settings app. Why is notepad so shit…

    I used Win11 recently, it looks quite nice, more consistent than 10 at least. But everything I have read makes me want to stay away.

    Ran Ubuntu LTS’s finishing with 20.04, have since been running Mint. Snap’s made Ubuntu a worse experience for me.