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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • How on earth does this relate to WW1 at all? WW1 started because a Bosnian-Serb assassinated an Austrian duke, and when asked to investigate Serbia told Austria to fuck off. Serbia was a completely separate country to Austria, and was purposefully trying to stir up shit in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    This was a U.S. citizen trying to assassinate a former U.S. president. Nobody else in the world is going to give a shit. We actually do this with startling frequency compared to most other countries.

  • Students learn techniques that they apply to their own personal style. The goal of art school isn’t to create a legion of artists that can churn out identical art, it’s to give young creatives the tools they need to realize the ideas in their head.

    AI has no ideas in it’s head. Instead, it takes in a bunch of an artists work, and then produces something that does it’s best to match the plagiarized artist’s style exactly.

  • Movie Thanos or Comics Thanos?

    Comics Thanos is a genuinely unhinged psychopath who really wanted to impress the manifestation of Death. Outside of some opposite day shenanigans and some really wild arcs, he’s never gonna be a hero.

    Movie Thanos is an edgelord, and will be remembered as a hero by edgelords and as an edgy idiot by everyone else because his solution is terrible. The universe would inevitably repopulate, inequality would spread again. There’s very little difference between eliminating 50% of the population and increasing total resources by 50% when you have the power of infinity.

  • because the DNC doesn’t want a real candidate. They still don’t even think Trump’s a threat.

    Both sides had 4 years to prepare. The GOP, as much as I loathe them, used those years well to develop a plan to destroy our democracy. The Democrats decided early on that they had 2024 in the bag, and have done nothing in the intervening years. They could have picked basically any Democrat and built up their candidacy for the last four years, they could have had a real primary with debates, but instead we’ve all been told to shut the fuck up and vote blue no matter who.