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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023


  • That always ends up happening. Whenever a government has being in power for too long they start to break into 90 different factions and spend their entire time fighting each other, and not getting anything else done.

    Also a certain group of the Conservatives have started to play by the Republican Party playbook, while the rest of them are politely asking if maybe they could not be fascists? Of course appeasement never works so apparently the next best option is to have giant arguments about it and replace the PM every 10 minutes.

    Fortunately Labour are another party, and regardless of what you think about them as a party, they are at least different and are less fractional currently, so perhaps now we can get something done.

  • Mythbusters took commonly held ideas and showed whether they were correct or not. Sometimes they actually said that what they were showing was true, often they showed how things are sort of true to a given value of true but there’s a lot of subtlety and nuance in the answer.

    But the Earth isn’t flat. We know it isn’t, there is no debating the topic unless you’ve got a neurological deficiency. All this show he’s going to do is be, haha look at the morons, which won’t do anything because we already do that.

  • Yeah, there was a BBC documentary with him in it, and they actually demonstrate this. Various scammers are arrested and even sentenced, and then for some totally innocent reason a mistrial gets called, and it all has to go to trial again, and surprise surprise in the intervening time the police have managed to lose all of the evidence.

    The only good thing about that whole case was that when they were arrested the scammers faces were broadcast all over national television in both India and the UK. Not that been shown in the UK will do everything, but I’m sure they don’t have a great time in India because the locals hate them. Oh and also when the police are showing off their scammers, for some reason they make them hold hands with the police. It’s really funny how unhappy they look about it.