• 437 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • They get the campaign funds because they kiss the right asses of the rich and corporate classes, and that is not serving the citizens.

    That just sounds like a campaign finance problem to me. Term limits are inherently anti-democratic imo so I’d really rather avoid those, but campaign finance reform sounds wonderful.

    and banning them from working as a lobbyist or whatever.

    This also sounds like a great idea

  • Human beings are social reasoning machines. We like to feel like we’ve identified the causes and effects of things in the world around us and we want to share beliefs about these things with the people we are with. It is natural and inevitable that we would create technologies to enhance our abilities to socialize and exchange reasons. They only become a problem when they’re hijacked by a narrow slice of society that tries to create and amplify harmful social hierarchies (e.g. racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, etc.) to entrench the harmful economic hierarchy they benefit from.

    Basically, this image but with “media” instead of “computers”

  • I should re-phrase - I’d like to be able to scroll through this community’s posts sorted by controversial or new, find a downvoted to hell (as it should be) Epoch Times article that’s getting positive traction on other sites (or even other Lemmy instances), and find within the comments on that post one pointing out why the article/source is bullshit that I can copy and paste elsewhere. Searching through comments is a pain on my preferred mobile app (idk about the desktop web interface, but I can’t imagine it’s a lot better), and it would be just about impossible to know which post’s comments would have the comment saying “oh, btw the Epoch Times is out with some fresh nonsense this morning, they’re claiming x y and z, but in reality a b and c”.

  • with moderate politics

    They’ll do great for one campaign until they actually have to govern and then it’s going to be 1996 and 2012 all over again and we’ll barely scrape by (if we’re lucky) against extremely beatable candidates. Moderates run good campaigns and terrible administrations because the average American voter has been propagandized into believing they want bipartisanship and small government when what they actually want is some affordable healthcare and housing which moderate politics are not going to deliver to them.

    e; and actually the “do great for one campaign” thing might be optimistic or antiquated thinking based on how Biden barely won in 2020

  • I disagree strongly, this is actually more of an issue with lawmakers because working in the legislature is all about building political coalitions and cutting deals. Republicans’ political coalition since the 1960s has been economic conservatives (who I think are extremely misguided but I accept will likely be a part of any representative government) and klan members (who should never ever understand any circumstances ever be allowed anywhere near the levers of power). Even if Mitt Romney is a good person in the abstract, when he wants to get a bill gutting Social Security over the vote margin he’s going to be partnering with the Louis Gohmerts and Gym Jordans and MGTs of the world, who are going to expect something in return. Moreover, the Mitt Romneys of this world are capable of learning a lesson, and the lesson the electorate should teach them is that partnering with nazis and klan members leads to crushing political defeats.

    There are no good Republicans for any elected office, period. Conservatives can spend a generation or two wandering in the woods asking themselves how they ended up where they did and come back with a new political party, but it’s about forty years past when the grand old one should’ve been thrown on the ash heap.