• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Yeah, I understand that people are frustrated with inflation and the status quo. Shit keeps getting more expensive and everyone feels like they’re falling behind. It’s easy to blame the current leadership and say Biden isn’t doing enough.

    The problem is, Trump and Republicans literally have no solution for this and will only make things exponentially worse. I have this sinking feeling that more and more people are willing to vote for Trump just because they want something different. But to me it feels like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

  • I hate this so much. I had to call a clinic the other day to ask about medical test results. None of the options on the menu were for that. So I clicked 1 for appointments. Then my options were to reschedule an appointment or to cancel an appointment. No option to go back. I clicked 0 and it hung up on me. Called back, clicked schedule an appointment and it told me to hang up and go online. Fuck me.