• 19 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • Just figure out what you want to do. Its not like Windows where you need to run scrub scripts, or turn specific things on or off. It’s very subjective.


    • are you in a laptop? You want specific tools for battery and performance tuning.
    • are you gaming?
    • are you working audio or video?

    Just edit your comment and throw a few things out that you’d like to do, and you’ll get a much more complete list of suggestions and tips.

  • Okay, that’s more direct. I would assume all packages have static paths that aren’t able to be changed through the GUI. I would read their docs and find out about that specific angle to try and sort it out. Also, symlinks are a thing, but you may create race conditions that particular OS may not expect if your mount timing is not absolutely bulletproof and perfect every single boot.

  • If you haven’t heard her interview with Rachel Maddow last week, go listen to it. This woman doesn’t deserve any of this shit, and is currently being threatened with jail if she doesn’t give up identifying information about her 13-year old daughter in a court sanctioned harassment campaign by Trump’s lawyers, is not able to work to support herself, has had her identifying information posted on Twitter by a DHL driver Trumpist, and may also lose her home. All of this because she told the truth. It’s fucking disgusting.

    Regardless what you think of her lifestyle choices, she doesn’t deserve to be constantly hunted and harassed by MAGA psychos who are doing nothing but ruining this woman’s life, and potentially her young daughter’s. Listening to the Interview, I honestly thought her to be an absolutely lovely and intelligent person who is just trying to do the right thing, and getting her life ruined in the process.

    Edit: find the GoFundMe and toss her a couple bucks if you have some to spare. I’m really hoping E Jean Carol steps in with some of the money Trump owes her and pledges some support. A bigger “fuck you” to Trump than us all having to do so to make sure Daniels stays safe.

  • I don’t think they realize yet how far from Christian principles they actually are. It’s laughable. The goal post gets moved every few years, but it’s always some hateful bullshit at the end of the day.

    Breaking News, fuckers. Hitler didn’t get into Heaven (if there is such a thing). The Vatican has flat out called you all “backwards”, but that just motivates you to keep on doing whatever the fuck you think you’re doing, in the face of literally everyone saying you’ve deviated so far from norms that you are a problem for society. Time to look inward.