• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Yeah I’m not necessarily in disagreement there. Though I respect those whistle-blowers who are willing to be a martyr for a cause they believe in. Ellsberg faced justice head on, for example. Meanwhile Snowden fled to one of the most corrupt countries in the world with a vendetta against the USA, and Greenwald is now parroting Kremlin propaganda strangely. Assange is somewhere in the middle for me.

    At the end of the day, Assange effectively did face justice and came out the other side, so I give credit.

  • The Rowling shift is a gut punch in particular for me because I also long admired her specifically. A single impoverished mother writing her drafts on napkins while taking the train to work. Her work for Amnesty International. Her fierce rejection of right-wing extremism and fascism…I remember saving her Harvard commence address as being the most powerful one I’ve ever heard. The road to hell is paved with good intentions? I don’t know. Frustrating because INFJ-to-INFJ I relate to her personality type.

    Meanwhile her books were incredibly impactful of my upbringing and my relationship with my mother as well.

    Controversial though this may be I don’t view her as some evil anti-Semitic trans-lynching nazi in lieu of her views. Misguided, sure, but in the aggregation of all she is I’m still struggling with the mixed back of her character. Maybe that’s my own cognitive dissonance; maybe it’s hers.

    Edit: Side-note, Ender’s Game and Ender’s Shadow were incredible books. I’m only heartbroken that the opportunity was missed to have Anton Yelchin cast as Ender in a better film adaptation we shall never see.

  • Worth noting three things:

    (1) This is from Bloomberg’s company…

    Need I remind everyone that the Billionaire, Michael Bloomberg, is almost solely responsible for shoving the Biden nomination down our throats in 2020.

    How, you do you ask?

    He explicitly wrote that he would only join the contest if he thought Warren or Sanders could win. So he joined, mirrored Biden’s platform, spent a ton of money on ads and attack ads on the progressive candidates (I believe it was in the range of a half a billion dollars), built his infrastructure, then bowed out and handed the keys to Biden.

    It may very well be valid, but take with a grain of salt.

    (2) This pollster is rated pretty lowly compared to gold standard pollsters, according to 538. (Rank 116).

    (3) This poll currently remains an outlier until further top-tier pollsters corroborate.

  • Translation for #1: He’s telling them to give up because resistance is futile. Every conflict in history could find a peaceful solution if the oppressed simply gave up at the first sign of trouble with the oppressors. Clearly, that tends to be a losing strategy.

    Translation for #2:

    As for the Crimea where Russia is now moving in, it has historically been separate from Ukraine. It was a theatre of war between Western Europe and Russia during the 1850s, a fact which should be a warning to us today. Then, as now, empires fought for space and influence. Its Tartar population was treated disgracefully by Stalin, and wholesale deportation followed the end of World War II.

    Eventually many [Russians] returned to the Crimea and they now make up an eighth of the population. Most of the rest are Russian speakers who came there during the Soviet period.

    Obviously, without question, establishing a finders-keepers narrative.

    I’m sorry but I do not buy either argument. It does not detract from the notion that Corbyn is trying to tell the defender, the victim, how they should be willing to fight back and how much they should be willing to lose.

    I just want to know if Corbyn would volunteer for the front-line should Russia simply regroup following a ceasefire and attack again.

  • lennybird@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldClick the squares
    1 day ago

    tell the NY Times not to be a little bitch


    But hey, more memes. One more scandal guys. Then Biden will suddenly magically surge in polls, I’m sure of it!

    The level of blue maga copium is astounding and it’s going to lead to Trump winning. Neither reason nor sound data contributes an alternative conclusion but I’m sure open to hearing someone try.