• 11 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 6th, 2024

  • In the US, discussing salary with coworkers is protected speech. It helps people find out if they are being underpaid or unfairly discriminated against. I always share my salary information when asked and I think it’s important to do so.

    My salary is not indicative of my net worth. I could have a 7 figure salary and be drowning in debt, or make 75K and be doing fairly well because of responsible choices.

    I dislike the stigma of discussing salaries, and believe that it’s propagated by companies to dissuade workers from getting fair salaries.

  • So my first question is how can it be that my little mini J1900 Celeron (2 GHz) with 4 GB RAM cannot handle this bandwith?

    • check ethtool for link speed: sudo ethtool enp2s0 | egrep 'Speed|Duplex' Your device name may be different from enp2s0. use ip link to see all devices. if it’s not
    Speed: 1000Mb/s
    Duplex: Full

    then that’s probably a bad sign.

    • that is a 10 year old celeron processor. celeron were the budget (a.k.a. cheapest, slowest) class processor at the time. it’s quite likely that it cannot keep up.
    • If you still think it’s not CPU directly, use iotop to see if you have I/O bottleneck.

  • As I have stated I only call if it’s an emergency (I’m in an accident, im in danger, someone else is hurt) or it’s time sensitive (someone has face value Taylor Swift tickets at work, want me to get them for you?) I almost always text first, wait 5 min then try calling, I’m not a monster.

    I find it pretty self important of people to cut off last resort real time communication with close friends and family because you think 2 minutes of your day is that much more important.

    You can configure unknown numbers to go to voicemail. Heck you can make it so that only a certain subset of people ring.

    Shame on you for blocking everyone instead of learning how to filter communication, and double shame on you if you get mad when you missed something that someone was trying every possible method to get a hold of you.

  • If I’m calling it’s an emergency or extremely time sensitive. Otherwise I text. I can understand when you don’t want app or even text notifications. But understand and accept the risk that comes with it.

    What pisses me right the fuck off is when I call, then call again, then text, then text again, and you, “mr/mrs im so important I can’t be bothered by notifications” are somehow offended at me because you missed out on something because you didn’t bother properly configuring two calls in a row from a known contact through your deny-by-default filter.

    Those people, family or not, can fuck right off.

    I don’t like telemarketing or spam calls. But I also take responsibility and check if it’s actually important. It’s nbd to me to hang up on a spam call. And to be honest I have gotten a fair share of legitimate calls from numbers I don’t recognize.

    TL;DL Answer ya damn phone, you damn well know tiktok and insta still gonna be there 5 seconds from now