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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • yeah that’s what I’m talking about it’s nice to be able to still run a windows 95 or OG redhat 6 distro on period hardware if nothing else for learning and museum.

    people still do it today in the retro space all the time and it’s a hell of a lot harder to do on windows and Mac than Linux since every kernel is still archived. I mean am I that old to remember the 2.6 split. it’s not the same thing since that was maintained but it doesn’t mean someone in the retro space couldn’t do a back port if needed.

    I was at VCF this year and people were still writing new code for PDP11s. it may not be productive in a work sense but preserving computing history is something of value and not ewaste.

  • right wingers are never going to be happy unless they are able to thump their Bible on to minorities the act of cruelty is the point not a means to an end. Think about it when social media made a spaces for right wingers to be they still wanted to be on the mainstream ones becase they are addicted to the rage.

    They won’t be happy even if they get their way because the house of fascism is to always have the in group beat down the out group to keep the few in power when they eradicate the first out group then create a new out group with a new round of purity tests. and the cycle starts over. it’s a story as old as time.

    now to answer your question about why you may hear it more when they change a trace of a character from one races to another to modernize older characters. we that’s becase while the right wingers are always going to moan and rage there are people that see not like that that don’t like it for different reason and that is hollow corporate choices are made not for really pushing representation but becase they can get a demo of 18 to 34 year old by saying they do.

    Like have you every noticed how all the characters in DC comics they changed from white to black were Red Heads. They changed from one minority to another and they want a pat on the back for it. Hell look at the gay or trans communities they want to make everyone gay but just enough to not piss off China.

    also no one can just be gay they have to play it up for drama. when what each group needs is not stereotypes onscreen or characters where the thing that makes them a minority is their whole personality. it makes them one dimensional and like I said before hollow. i want cool characters that happen to be gay or black or trans, etc vs gay or black or trans characters.

    That’s why star trek (while flawed in some ways) was so powerful in the 60s it normalize not dramatized a black woman working side by side with all races. To just tell stories not black stories or women stories.

    To me anything else is more racist becase the Corps are just playing us all for fools all the way to bank and they don’t want real change cause the money machine dries up. It saddens me that every under represented group is so starved for representation they take what ever they can get and the Corps know this.

    sorry I will get off my soap box as someone in a minority group it stings when I think about it.

  • im mean technically lemmy counts as social media i guess since it’s a feed but it’s the closest things we have to an old school forum. Just idea that you care so much about a topic you create a site to talk about it was powerful. People don’t realize it’s a big difference between a land grab for subreddits or even communities on here and running a server. startrek.website is the closest thing since they have very focused communities.

    It’s like match making and running a gaming sever back in the day. it was this weird hybrid of a public game and playing with friends. there was a TFC server i played with the same people and along with them but never knew them or joined a clan in mechwarrior 2 and would battle other clans i never knew any of them outside this one thing. It was a natural filter for jerks and cheaters. now it’s ether play with friends or play alone.

  • i think it’s important remember the web and the internet are two different things. humans just made a choice to centralize a originally a decentralized system. after being incentivize by the growth phase of the venture now the culling phase is here and they are extracting that wealth. stuff like gemini. shows we can go back and do it right the next time. The internet is just there be it port 80 or some other port.

    can we bring back old school forms they were the best.

  • problem is pc gaming never died and has been healthy all along but when retailers stopped selling cause they made more profits with consoles or we stopped buying. the industry or more like the suits and media made a native that pc gaming died. we just went to the guy that respected us and now he has a dragons hord of wealth and moved in beating the consoles at their own game by respecting is with an open platform.

  • i agree with all of that but everything you have listed is voting which I already said you should do without question and really should be the bare minimum of civic duty and as you have said not very effective. Plus that only affects domestic policy and you have to change a lot of domestic policy to even scratch the surface of changing foreign policy.

    By no means am I saying give up but the more you look at foreign policy and spend your mental capacity. The more they distract you from changing the local that will change very slowly the domestic that will change the foreign. the powers at be want you terrified of the things you can’t change to distract you from the things you can. so they stay in power.

    It’s the same thing with terrorism conventional warfare doesn’t work against an irregular force. It takes slow moves at a very local level like like we leaned from FM 3-23 assuming you are US military, forgive me if you already not.

  • I was in the military as well but other than voting and writing your local and regional Representatives. Which everyone should be doing no mater what. what do you suggest the avg person do to affect geopolitics other than stress ourselves out. Let me know what we should do and I will be there.

    There is no morality in Foreign Policy it all about power be that soft or hard power. That machinery of that power goes back hundreds of years ago. Do you know what I worry about?

    I worry about if my neighbors have enough food to eat. Do the teachers have the supplies to teach our kids the best they can. Building a community support network. These are things I can affect change.

    The sad thing is climate change will take us out and cause more suffering than a true WW3 will ever do and I’m not just talking about the heat. I’m talking water wars that have already started happening. Supply chain issues caused by climate stopping people getting the right medicine another pandemic.

    The rest is just Saber Rattling.