• 12 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 15th, 2024


  • Hey I’ll give them some credit with that headline.

    Not “13-year-old killed in police shooting” or “a 13-year old died during a police interaction” etc. Nope, they fully went with “Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old.” Thank you, PBS.

    Also -

    The shooting happened Friday night after officers in Utica stopped two youths at around 10:18 p.m.

    One of them fled and pointed what appeared to be a handgun at the officers, according to a statement by the Utica Police Department.

    I’ll be interested to see when that footage is released and what it contains.

  • I only have the same article you do. I’m just not the one assuming The Atlanta Black Star is the only black-owned media outlet, or that every black owned media outlet was late.

    Context would lead me to think there must be at least ten, or this demand would make little sense. But that’s a lower boundary.

    Rep. Meeks also called on CNN to “immediately to credential a minimum of ten Black-owned media outlets

    And also, I would imagine that they aren’t doing this bit of not-enough just for The Atlanta Black Star alone:

    Hours before the debate, the Biden campaign will host a press briefing for members of Black-owned media.

    There very well could be a legitimate thing going on here, but until CNN says “every black owned media outlet turned in their application late” I’m not going to assume that based off a sample size of one.