• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • You say that as if all registered voters cast a vote for every election.

    This will, at least, energize the R party to vote in numbers we have yet to see. Meanwhile, you’ve got apathetic D voters who really don’t want Biden to be president. It’s not about changing voters’ votes - our elections are never about that - t’s about the number of people who cast a vote.

    Until now, I’ve been very much in the camp of promoting all the things Biden has done to convince voters he’s still worth supporting. Yesterday’s event changes that. The DNC needs to combat this pending influx of voters with an invigorating candidate.

  • I’m interested to learn why you feel this way.

    In contrast, I believe it takes decades of learning the political and legislative process and establishing the trust of your constituents and colleagues and organizations operating in your state. It’s one thing to be a junior senator or member of the house but, as a senior member of government, a 40 or 50 year may not be as well equipped to be proficient at their responsibilities; especially given the mixed bag of people being elected as representatives lately. That’s not to say I believe it requires someone to be older but I do think there’s a decent argument opposing your perspective. Also, by capping a representatives age, you’re failing to fully represent all Americans.

    We still have a system to get older or inefficient people out of office - it’s called an election. Sadly, not many people take our electoral process, or politics, too seriously so we’re more often choosing to stick with the status quo. Now you’ve got to debate if we’re too stupid to be allowed certain freedoms or if we should have the government step in to make choices for us.

  • Upvote for relevance and quality of the content.
    Downvote for irrelevance or bad vibes.

    The problem I’ve had with Reddit for so long is people using the arrows for agree / disagree. This does not promote discussion or interesting ideas. This often promotes comments that are irrelevant to the story people are commenting on. If I read a headline, I want the top comments to expand upon and contribute to that story.

    Example: the headline might be about the decline of people eating apples. The highest voted comment might be a smartass comment about how red delicious is not delicious. But the article is actually an in depth report on the affects of climate change on apple production increasing the costs to consumers while processed foods have become more popular.

    The amount of garbage on Reddit is just unreal. And now they’re training AI with it. All because people use the voting system improperly. Using my example, AI now believes apples are less popular because they’re not delicious. When people use an AI search engine, they’re not getting the true story.

    I will absolutely upvote someone I disagree with. It’s rare but if they have an interesting thing to contribute while displaying knowledge of a subject, I’m all here for that. Genuine engagement with people we disagree with is how we all partake in poking holes in our echo chambers.

    It’s an increasingly fine line but I don’t see these forums as social media. Ranking things by agreement or popularity feels like social media to me.

    If you’re interested in a reward system, check out minds.com. Although, since it’s inception, this platform has become a cesspool or right wing extremism. It’s sad what it’s become.

  • I don’t have any doubts. I have grave concerns that anyone, literally anyone, would argue that DT is a better option than Biden in any regard. That’s not to say I’m happy to have an old white dude as the nominee but he’s been exceptionally productive and has near infinite less baggage than the alternative.

    I’ve yet to be presented with a legit legal way Biden could drop out and allow voters to choose another candidate. Lots of opinions that he should do it but no experts weighing in on how. I could have missed a lot of coverage so I ask people to respectfully share this policy with me.

  • Fantastic 👏👏👏

    To add to that, all I keep seeing in the news is about Biden’s poor performance. Yeah, we knoooow. Can we maybe get some coverage of the report of Trump raping a child or how many mentions he has on Epstein’s list? Is there anything else going on in the world we should know about? All the news is doing is grabbing hold of the most sensational topic that every other outlet is reporting on speculating about so they don’t lose ratings / clicks.

    The world we live in is not about genuine creativity or challenging perspectives or journalistic responsibility. All we have going forward is what generates ad revenue. What’s “engaging”. And our dumbass brains only care about dopamine. So anything that challenges us to think outside the box is too difficult for us to engage with. The corporations and special interest groups have won. I wouldn’t be too worried about climate change at this point, kids. I doubt you’ll be aware of your surrounds enough to realize what’s going on around you.

    I’m just hoping for a new Age of Enlightenment. Maybe people will realize that having everyone else do the thinking for us isn’t such a great idea.


    It’s our job to cover the full range of issues that people have. At the moment, democracy is one of them. But it’s not the top one — immigration happens to be the top [of polls], and the economy and inflation is the second.

    Ah, that’s your problem right there. And this is going to be the major issue for generations to come. The algorithms are determining what’s popular and will generate content to maintain engagement. What used to happen is news rooms would find important stories and report on them then the people would read those stories to determine what actually matters in their lives.

    I subscribe to my local paper. The mobile app is essentially ‘what the people want’. Meanwhile, the newspaper itself (print or digital) has almost entirely different content and it’s certainly organized differently. When I want to learn about things in my community and the world - the reason I subscribe to a newspaper in the first place - I read the paper, not the app. The app is just like a blog.

    It’s incredibly frustrating how far our fourth pillar of democracy has fallen.