Little bit of everything!

Avid Swiftie (come join us at ! )

Gaming (Mass Effect, Witcher, and too much Satisfactory)


I live for 90s TV sitcoms

  • 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I love when companies bet the farm on buzzwords. We get to see shit like this. It’s already baked into their platform, so when it fell out of style 2 years later it was too late to rip them out, and we get to see it.

    Honestly, think how much time and effort went into this. Think of how many meetings, and proud MBAs that just frothed at the idea of nfts in games. Think of the developers saying “shouldn’t we be working on… The game?”.

    And here we are, laughing at the waste

  • Very well thought out reply, thank you. I’m absolutely alarmed, zero people should be above the law, and I think this puts us on a very dangerous path, but if we all collect our heads we can still keep our current president, and maybe work some stuff out from there.

    I’m absolutely annoyed with the Biden talk, like no he isn’t my favorite candidate. He’s just not openly calling for overthrowing democracy, so that’s my choice. I don’t worship my leaders, and in a 2 party system I just choose the least worst. He’s the least worst.

    I keep thinking back to Carlin. He called it in the 90s. “We don’t have leaders, we have owners, they own you.” Two big things keep me from panic attacks right now. One is that the true owners of the country right now are corporations, and they want stability and you to keep paying, which is oddly comforting in terms of what’s going to happen. The second is that it’s not over yet, we just need to all go out and vote for the least horrible candidate we have! Huzzah!