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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • I met a guy while I was working at Amazon whos dad bought a couple snuggies for hunting and overnight drives, and apparently his elderly disabled grandma who just didnt watch tv claimed half of then. This was apparently in the mid to late 2000s. Also according to him his grandmother wasnt a ludite his grandpa ran a movie and videogames rental place, and had built a whole as mini threatre in their living room.

    Also according to him his grandma liked halo 2 and kicking his ass in smash melee.

  • Hey now dont slander us Rednecks, dipshit white trash suburbanite yuppies are obsessed with full auto. Sure full auto can be fun at a range but its worthless for anything other than turning a bunch of random shit downrange into past tense. Hell most folks I know prefer shotguns and bolt action rifles for hunting and general shooting.